Celine Fall 2013
Zara November 2013 Lookbook
Pheobe Philo Celine 2013秋冬系列的確有不少驚喜,至少這個Celine女人經過多季非常有亮點時裝experimentation,終於找到屬於自己的優雅定位。簡潔剪裁,柔和用色,在俗世裡而不世俗,而且更是今季最流行穿搭靈感來源,從Zara十一月的lookbook就知道了。
原來早於1926年就有位經濟學家發表Hemline Index,就是以當時流行的裙擺長度預測股票市場。那以最近流行的及膝裙子長度又代表什麼呢?另外,不論此長度如何時尚如何備受追捧,對於個子不高的女生來說及膝或更長裙子也是頗為尷尬的長度。
自從我開始更認真地喜歡時裝後,就發現時尚和對直男有吸引力是兩碼子的事,直男大概都不懂欣賞女性時尚的多變及幾分難捉摸。所以美國著名時尚博客Man Repeller這個博客名稱也是改得沒錯,有時候太時尚就讓大部份直男彈開三丈遠,而且更會被冠以購物狂這個惡名。Fashion never sleeps? 偶爾不時尚,旺一旺桃花也不為過。
Who can forget the warmth Phoeobe Philo delivered at AW13 Celine? It was clean, stripped down elegance yet cozy and romantic. It was also the origin of the look of this season. Hence, the carbon copy Zara November look book.
As much as the drop of the hemline has been bolstered, I am sceptical about how ‘great’ it is. I mean, first things first (believe it or not) there is the Hemline Index, the drop of the hemline also indicate a crash of some sort. There is also this height problem – to an average height woman (by any standards) it says prim, proper and very very reserved. As fashion as it gets, I have to say this is the look of the season and this new (and a little awkward*).
There has always been a great debate about being fashionable and attractive – that is, to the straight male population – at the same time. Simply put, whatever deemed fashionable is not necessarily attractive to the opposite sex. Henceforth, the name of renowned fashion blog Man Repeller. Are there exceptions, though?
*It’s not awkward unless you are a 5"8
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