Thursday, January 23, 2014

Couture Athletics 高端運動

 Christian Dior || Spring 2014 Couture ||

Chanel || Spring 2014 Couture ||

Sportswear (known as sports-luxe most of the time) has always been around every season, especially in New York. This athleticism somehow extended to couture season, to two of the largest French houses – Christian Dior and Chanel. Airy lightness and futurism swept both runways, Raf Simons had the most glamorous pool shoes bedazzling an architectural space, while Karl Lagerfeld had couture running shoes accompanying every look.

Looks like we have got fashion’s nod of approval to stay grounded in sneakers, with the rise of comfort over vanity. The make of these kicks are not so down to earth though. In tweed, python, pearls, embroideries and lace, which probably takes a million man-hours to hand make. We won’t be seeing much of the Chanel sneakers around, since Susie Bubble mentioned that they are only available if you buy the total look.

I am all for this sportiness, women in this world can live with more fitness, less bunions.

運動風幾乎是一個永恆不滅的時尚趨勢,因為每一季都至少會出現於紐約時裝周。這風竟然吹到一向以華美手工晚裝見稱的巴黎2014春夏高級訂製時裝秀,兩大法國時裝巨頭Christian Dior及Chanel(香奈兒)不約而同地休閒起來。脫離高訂一如以往的華麗枷鎖,來一個未來主義的運動小清新,但依然保留高訂奢華手工及高端範兒。Raf Simons以最華麗的寶石鑲嵌游泳鞋穿梭著充滿建築美感的秀場,而每一位香奈兒模特都以跑步鞋亮相。

看來我們已經得到時尚界的允許,以舒適為大前提穿著時髦運動鞋。可這些高訂運動鞋一點也不平民化,以粗花呢、蛇皮、珍珠、刺繡及蕾絲等手製,必定花上不少人力物力,才能稱得上高訂吧。但我們應該不會有很多機會能親睹香奈兒跑鞋的風采了,著名時尚博主Susie Bubble透露寶石跑鞋只可以跟全套裝束一起購買。


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